JUMP TOGETTING STARTEDAuthenticationDateTime formatZENSKAR APIAccountingGet accountspostGet transactionspostGet balance sheetpostGet balance sheet over a given periodpostGet P&L statement over a given periodpostHandle accounting eventpostGet credit balancepostGet transaction IdspostGet accounting entries by transaction IdpostUpdate accounting transactionpatchGet account by system account namepostGet flattened balance sheetpostGet flattened P&L statementpostGet Chart Of AccountsgetInit Chart Of AccountspostGet AccountsgetCreate AccountpostGet Close DategetCreate Close DatepostUpdate Close DatepatchGet Journal EntriesgetCreate Journal EntrypostGet Journal Entry By IdgetUpdate Journal Entry By IdputDelete Journal Entry By IddeleteUpdate Journal Entry By ResourcepatchGet Object RegistergetGet ReportgetGet Balance SheetgetExport Income StatementgetGet Income StatementgetUpdate Customer BalanceputGet Customer Wallet BalancegetGet Account Balance By TaggetGet Journal LinesgetGet Journal EntriesgetAnalyticsGet analytics datapostGet AR aging reportgetSetup views for analyticspostBillable metricsGet billable metrics in paginated form.getCreate billable metricpostGet all billable metrics schemas belonging to an organizationgetGet billable metric estimate based on the requestgetGet billable metricgetDelete billable metricdeleteGet billable metric logsgetPreview visual query of the billable metricpostPreview billable metric SQL querypostGet billable metric querypostAdd billable metric estimatepostUpdate billable metric estimatepatchBusiness entitiesGet business entities in paginated formgetCreate business entitypostGet default business entitygetGet business entitygetUpdate business entitypatchContactsGet contacts in paginated formgetCreate contactpostGet contactgetDelete contactdeleteUpdate contactpatchContractsGet contracts in paginated form.getCreate contractpostGet contractgetUpdate contractputGet amendments by contract IdgetCreate contract phasepostPause contractpostUpdate pause contractpatchResume contractpatchCreate contract phase pricingpostCredit notesGet Credit Note ListgetCreate Credit NotepostGet Credit Note By IdgetUpdate Credit Note By IdpatchGet Line Items By Credit Note IdgetCustomer portalGet customer portal configurationgetUpdate customer portal configurationputCreate customer portal configurationpostCustomersGet customers in paginated formgetCreate customerpostValidate sessiongetGet organization relationshipsgetGet organisation relationships by IdgetGet customergetDelete customerdeleteUpdate customerpatchGet customer relationshipsgetCreate customer relationshippostDelete customer relationshipdeleteGet payment methods in paginated formgetCreate payment methodpostPatch Customer Connector IdpatchDelete third-party connectordeleteGet customer sessionpostValidate customer addresspostGenerate signed URLpostData-source connectorsGet data-source connectors in paginated formgetCreate data-source connectorpostGet schemas of data-source connectorsgetGet data-source connectorgetUpdate data-source connectorpatchOn-demand syncgetGet data-source connector job listpostReconnect data sourcepatchEntitlementsList entitlement from a given cursor and limitgetCreate EntitlementpostGet Entitlements Customers ListgetGet Entitlement By IdgetDelete Entitlement Customer By IddeletePatch EntitlementpatchCreate Entitlement CustomerpostList entitlements assgined to customer from a given cursor and limitgetList entitlements assgined to customer from a given cursor and limitgetList entitlements assgined to customer from a given cursor and limitgetList unique entitlements assgined to customer from a given cursor and limitgetGet Entitlement Customer By IdgetDelete Entitlement Customer By IddeletePatch Entitlement CustomerpatchDeduct Entitlement For CustomerpostGet Entitlement Customer Logs By IdgetGet Entitlement Deductions By IdgetInvoicesGet invoices in paginated formgetCreate invoicepostExport invoicespostCreate Stripe invoicepostConsolidate invoicespostGet all invoice tagsgetGet invoicegetDelete invoicedeleteUpdate invoicepatchGet invoice generation statusgetGet invoice by external IdgetGenerate an invoicepostGet invoicegetContract actuals in JSON formatgetApprove invoicepatchStore the latest email document Id and name in invoicepatchUpsert tagspatchTrigger invoice regenerationpostGet invoice paymentsgetGenerate payment linkgetPay invoicegetGet invoice line itemsgetGenerate next invoice numberpostVoid an invoicepatchCreate credit notepatchGet invoice summarygetAdd invoice notepostMonitorsGet monitor metrics in paginated formgetCreate monitor metricpostGet monitor metric by IdgetGet monitor metric logsgetGet latest monitor metricgetGet monitor metric historygetGet `invoice total` monitor metricgetGet invoice total in bulkpostToggle monitoringpostPaymentsGet Invoice PaymentsgetGet Payments For Invoice Without RefundsgetGet Payment By IdgetDelete Manual PaymentdeleteUpdate PaymentpatchGet PaymentsgetCreate PaymentpostCreate Invoice ChargepostEdit Manual PaymentpatchRefund PaymentpostExport PaymentspostGet Signed UrlpostPayment instructionsUpsert payment instructionspostGet payment instructionsgetGet payment instructions by destination accountgetGet all payment instructions of an entitygetAdd payment instructions for an entitypostGet entity payment instructiongetUpdate entity payment instructionspatchPerformance obligation templatesGet POB template librarygetGet POB template by IdgetGet POB template listgetCreate POB templatepostGet POB template by IdgetUpdate POB templatepatchPerformance obligationsGet performance obligation listgetCreate performance obligationpostGet performance obligation by IdgetUpdate performance obligationpatchPlansGet plans in paginated form.getCreate planpostGet plan by IdgetUpdate planputDelete plan by IddeleteCreate plan phasepostUpdate plan phaseputDelete plan phasedeleteCreate plan phase pricingpostUpdate plan phase pricingputDelete plan phase pricing by IddeleteGet differences between old and new plansgetCreate new versionpostProductsGet products in paginated formgetCreate productpostGet productgetDelete productdeleteUpdate productpatchGet product and pricing by link IdgetGet product pricinggetCreate product pricingpostGet product pricing modelgetDelete product pricing modeldeleteUpdate product pricing modelpatchGet product bundle pricinggetUpdate Product Bundle PricingpatchCreate product bundle pricingpostGet product pricing JSON schemapostRevenue recognitionGet revenue contractsgetCreate revenue contractpostGet revenue contract by IdgetCreate revenue contract itempostGet revenue contract item by IdgetGet revenue contract itemsgetContract execution webhookpostGet revenue postingsgetCreate revenue postingpostGet revenue posting by IdgetCreate upsert revenue postingpostRefresh revenue postingpostRecognise revenuepostDiscard revenue recognitionpostConfirm revenue recognitionpostGet revenue contract by contract IdgetCreate performance obligationpostDelete performance obligationdeleteUpdate performance obligationpatchTagsList tagsgetUpsert tagspostUsage eventsGet usage events in paginated form.getCreate usage eventpostGet usage eventgetDelete usage eventdeleteGet usage event logsgetGet usage event by sluggetPowered by Create Revenue Postingpost https://api.zenskar.com/revenue_recognition_v3/revenue_postings