
🐕‍🦺 Setup guide

The Zenskar Auth0 data-source connector fetches data from Auth0 Management API.



  • You must have a free or paid Auth0 account.
  • You must authorize Zenskar to read data from your account.

⚙️ Set up an Auth0 account

  1. Sign up for an account in Auth0.
  2. Confirm your email.

⚙️ Get a temporary access token for testing

  1. Go to the API Explorer tab of your Auth0 Management API. A token is automatically generated and displayed there.
  2. Click Copy Token.

More details can be found in this documentation.

⚙️ Create a new app for OAuth2 for automated token generation

  1. To allow Zenskar to make scheduled calls to Auth0, you must set up an OAuth2 integration. This helps Zenskar generate access tokens automatically.
  2. In Auth0, navigate to Dashboard > Applications > Applications.
  3. Create a new application, name it Zenskar. Choose the application type Machine to Machine Applications (M2M).
  4. Select Management API V2. This is the API Zenksar will call.
  5. Each M2M app that accesses an API must be granted a set of permissions (or scopes). Here, we only need permissions starting with read (e.g. read:users). Under the API doc, each api will list the required scopes.
  6. More details can be found from this documentation.

⚙️ Set up Auth0 as data source in Zenskar

Set up data source

  1. Log into your Zenskar account.
  2. In the left navigation bar, navigate to Metering > Data Sources. In the top-right corner, click + ADD DATA SOURCE.
  3. In the Set Up Source section of the Add New Data Source page, enter a name for the Auth0 data source connection.
  4. Select Auth0 from the Source Type dropdown.

Configure data source

In the Source Config section of the Add New Data Source page, do the following:

  • Base URL: the authentication API is served over HTTPS. The Base URL will be of the form https://<yourDomain>.
  • Authentication Method: select from:
    • OAuth2 Confidential Application
      • Client ID: the client Id of your Auth0 application
      • Client Secret: the client secret of your Auth0 application
    • OAuth2 Access Token
      • OAuth2 Access Token: paste the access token retrieved from Auth0.

Supported sync modes

The Auth0 source connector supports the following sync modes:

  • Full Refresh
  • Incremental

Supported Streams

Performance considerations

The connector is restricted by Auth0 rate limits.