Email alerts

Configure automated email alerts for segments of customers.

This guide will help you configure automated email alerts for a segment of customers. A segment of customers share certain common attributes. For example, you may segment your customers based on the following criteria:

  • pay by card
  • pay using Stripe
  • live in a particular geography

You can configure automated email alerts based on events. For example, you can send email alerts reminding the customer of:

  • the approaching due date in the event of generation of an invoice
  • an overdue payment in the event of passing of the due date

How to create an email alert



Currently, Zenskar supports creation of the following two types of email alerts:

  • before due date: when an invoice is generated, remind customers about the approaching due date
  • after due date: alert customers that the invoice payment is overdue

Also, alerts can be sent only to one segment of customers: all customers.

  1. Navigate to Communication > Email Alerts.
  2. Click

Before due date: remind customers about the approaching due date

  1. Click on ADD REMINDER button under the INVOICE GENERATED section.
  2. Fill in the details in the following form.
  3. Click SAVE ALERT.


Value to enter

Send email before due (days)

Enter the number of days before the due date when you would like Zenskar to send automated email alerts to your customers to remind them of the approaching due date.


Select the sender on whose behalf you would like Zenskar to send mails to your customers.

Email template

The drop-down will list all email templates of the type payment reminder.

Email attachment

Read-only field. Invoice is attached by default.

Email subject

Read-only field that displays the subject of the template.

Email body

Read-only field that displays the body of the template.

After due date: alert customer that the invoice payment is overdue

  1. Click on ADD REMINDER button under the DUE DATE section.
  2. Fill in the details in the following form.
  3. Click SAVE ALERT.


Value to enter

Send email after due (days)

Enter the number of days after the due date when you would like Zenskar to send automated payment overdue reminder email alert to your customers.


Select the sender on whose behalf you would like Zenskar to send mails to your customers.

Email template

The drop-down will list all email templates of the type payment reminder.

Email attachment

Read-only field. Invoice is attached by default.

Email subject

Read-only field that displays the subject of the template.

Email body

Read-only field that displays the body of the template.