Billable metrics
You must configure a data source or a usage events before trying to create billable metrics.
Example raw-metric schema
This example-based guide uses a raw metric named telephone usage and the following schema. We are selling call minutes, SMS, and internet data.
"data": {
"sms": "int",
"data": "float",
"call_minutes": "float"
"timestamp": "timestamp",
"customer_id": "string"
Example raw metric data
The following example events will be used in the guide.
data.sms | | data.call_minutes | timestamp | customer_id |
43 | 3.7 | 56.0 | 2024-04-16 11:33:38.000 | 8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a |
12 | 2.0 | 23.0 | 2024-04-17 11:25:02.000 | 8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a |
16 | 1.8 | 34.0 | 2024-04-18 11:25:43.000 | 8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a |
Example customer
The customer ID 8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a
belongs to a fictional customer named John Doe.
Add new billable metric
- Navigate to Metering > Billable Metrics in the left side panel.
- On the Billable Metrics page, click on the + ADD NEW BILLABLE METRIC button.
- On the Add New Billable Metric page, there are two ways to add a new billable metric:
- Visual Builder: a wizard that helps you build a billable-metric query.
- SQL Builder: a SQL-based tool that helps you handcraft a billable-metric query.
- Create the desired billable-metric query using either the visual builder or the SQL builder.
- Click on the CREATE BILLABLE METRIC button.
Add a billable metric using the visual builder
The wizard-based Visual Builder presents four main steps:
- Select tables and filters
- Map customer
- Set date field
- Set billable metric over
Step 1: select tables and filters
There are two ways you can let Zenskar access your customers' data:
- data source
- raw metrics
Select data source
- Select the table that contains usage data.
- If the table you selected is related to a data source, the Data Source tag will appear below the Table Name drop-down.
Select raw metrics
- Select the table that contains usage data.
- If the table you selected is related to a raw metric, the Raw Metric tag will appear below the Table Name drop-down.
In this guide, we will use the telephone usage raw metric.
You must add and configure raw metrics (or data sources) like telephone usage. Zenskar will transform all raw metrics (or data sources) into database tables like telephone_usage.
Select filters
The raw-metric schema of telephone usage results in the following columns when Zenskar creates a SQL table:
Columns |
customer_id |
timestamp |
data.sms |
data.call_minutes | |
Filters can be created using any of these columns. The conditions available are dependent on the data type of the column selected. The data type--condition mapping is shown below:
Data type | Conditions |
Int64 Float64 Decimal | is is not less than greater than is empty is not empty |
Bool | is is not is empty is not empty |
Date32 DateTime64 | is is not is before is after is empty is not empty |
String UUID | is is not contains does not contain starts with ends with is empty is not empty |
The data type of the column is determined by the schema you defined while creating a raw metric. A sample raw metric with all available data types is shown below:
"customer_id": "String",
"timestamp": "DateTime64",
"data": {
"a_string_field": "String",
"an_int64_field": "Int64",
"a_float64_field": "Float64",
"a_date32_field": "Date32",
"a_datetime64_field": "DateTime64",
"a_UUID_field": "UUID",
"a_bool_field": "Bool",
"a_decimal_field": "Decimal"
A simple filter
For the example data mentioned above, a simple filter based on timestamp
can be created:
Column | Condition | Value |
timestamp | is before | 2024-04-18 |
This filter will yield the following result:
customer_id | timestamp | data.call_minutes | data.sms | |
8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a | 2024-04-17 11:25:02.000 | 23.0 | 12 | 2.0 |
8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a | 2024-04-16 11:33:38.000 | 56.0 | 43 | 3.7 |
All the raw-metric data that you sent to Zenskar for the customer 8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a
whose timestamp
is before
the date 2024-04-18
is returned as the result.
A complex AND filter
For the example data mentioned above, a complex filter based on timestamp
can be created:
Column | Condition | Value |
timestamp | is before | 2024-04-18 |
data.call_minutes | greater than | 30 |
This filter will yield the following result:
customer_id | timestamp | data.call_minutes | data.sms | |
8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a | 2024-04-16 11:33:38.000 | 56.0 | 43 | 3.7 |
All the raw-metric data that you sent to Zenskar for the cusotmer 8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a
before the date 2024-04-18
where data.call_minutes
is greater than
is returned as the result.
A complex OR filter
Simply clicking on the AND
condition will change it to OR
and vice versa, as shown below.
For the example data mentioned above, a complex filter based on timestamp
can be created:
Column | Condition | Value |
timestamp | is before | 2024-04-18 |
data.call_minutes | greater than | 30 |
This filter will yield the following result:
customer_id | timestamp | data.call_minutes | data.sms | |
8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a | 2024-04-17 11:25:02.000 | 23.0 | 12 | 2.0 |
8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a | 2024-04-18 11:25:43.000 | 34.0 | 16 | 1.8 |
8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a | 2024-04-16 11:33:38.000 | 56.0 | 43 | 3.7 |
All the raw-metric data that you sent to Zenskar for the cusotmer 8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a
before the date 2024-04-18
where data.call_minutes
is greater than
is returned as the result.
Step 2: map customer
You must select a column in your table that can uniquely identify your customers.
This can also be your customer's email ID
You must map this column to one of the following columns in Zenskar:
- external_id: this is usually a unique identifier (UUID) that your system generates or is generated by your CRM.
- customer name
The Zenskar columns
, andcustomer name
are created when you add your customer to Zenskar.
Step 3: set date field
Step 4: set billable metric over
Refer the documentation on data processing to understand how billable metrics work.
- Select the aggregation method:
Aggregate | Description |
COUNT | returns the number of items found in a column |
SUM | returns the sum of all the values, or only the DISTINCT values, in the column. SUM can be used with numeric columns only. Null values are ignored. |
MAX | returns the maximum value in a column. |
MIN | returns the minimum value in a column. |
AVG | returns the average of the values in a column ignoring null values. |
- Select the column over which the aggregation must be performed.
For the example data mentioned above, COUNT
will return 3
for any column.
For the example data mentioned above, SUM
will return the following values:
Billable-metric type | Billable metric returned |
data.call_minutes | 113.0 |
data.sms | 71 | | 7.5 |
aggregate must be performed over columns of numeral data type: int, float, bigint, double, tinyint, smallint. Trying toSUM
column of any other data type will result in the following error:
For the example data mentioned above, MAX
will return the following values:
Billable-metric type | Billable metric returned |
data.call_minutes | 56.0 |
data.sms | 43 | | 3.7 |
aggregate must be performed over columns of numeral data type: int, float, bigint, double, tinyint, smallint. Trying to runMAX
aggregate over a column of any other data type will result in the following error:
For the example data mentioned above, MIN
will return the following values:
Billable-metric type | Billable metric returned |
data.call_minutes | 23.0 |
data.sms | 12 | | 1.8 |
aggregate must be performed over columns of numeral data type: int, float, bigint, double, tinyint, smallint. Trying to runMIN
aggregate over a column of any other data type will result in the following error:
For the example data mentioned above, AVG
will return the following values:
Billable metric type | Billable metric returned |
data.call_minutes | 37.666668 |
data.sms | 23.666666666666668 | | 2.5 |
aggregate must be performed over columns of numeral data type: int, float, bigint, double, tinyint, smallint. Trying to runAVG
aggregate over a column of any other data type will result in the following error:
For the example data mentioned above, UNIQUE COUNT
will return the following values:
Billable-metric type | Billable-metric returned | Notes |
customer_id | 1 | In the example data mentioned above, there exists only one customer with 8578d067-b019-471c-b28c-5a3f35a3d05a as ID. |
timestamp | 3 | In the example data mentioned above, there exist three unique timestamps. |
data.call_minutes | 3 | In the example data mentioned above, there exist three unique call-minute entries. |
data.sms | 3 | In the example data mentioned above, there exist three unique SMS entries. | | 3 | In the example data mentioned above, there exist three unique internet-data-usage entries. |
SQL builder
You can build raw SQL queries using the SQL builder. You can choose the SQL builder:
- as an alternative to the visual builder to create billable-metric queries
- to edit queries built by visual builder
You can switch to the SQL builder to edit a billable-metric query built using the visual builder. However, this switch is permanent, and you will not be able to switch back to the visual builder.
Features of the SQL builder
- Table browser: select the table you are interested in to list all columns. The column names can be copied and used in the SQL builder . The Zenskar variables that can be used in the SQL queries are also available below the table browser.
Engineering effort required
Creating raw SQL queries for complex scenarios is the job of an engineer proficient in SQL.
Tying it all together
Create billable metrics for the example data
Select database table and create filter
For the database table telephone_usage, create the following filter:
Column | Condition | Value |
data.call_minutes | greater than | 0 |
Map customer
Set date field
Set billable metric over the desired field
We will use the SUM
aggregate to determine the total call minutes during the billing period.
Create billable metric
Provide a name that describes your billable metric.
Create a billable metric for SMS and internet data usage
Create two more billable metrics for SMS and internet data usage. Repeat the steps you followed creating the billable metric for call minutes.
Navigate to Metering > Billable Metrics to view all the billable metrics you created, as shown below.
Create products that use these billable metrics
Create a product for call minutes offered
Create a product for SMSes offered
Create a product for internet data offered
Create a contract that uses these products
Updated about 2 months ago